PFP6 is a pull flow method for planning and controlling the supply chain developed by ALBERT DELOIN over the past 30 years.
At the beginning, the PFP6 was based around 3 pillars: :
- The Kanban method for daily use,
- Just-in-time dashboards of needs (sales, manufacturing, procurement): controlling Kanban settings, managing exceptions and products to order,
- The human and industrial capacities dashboard: tool for decision-making and control of workload and capacities
The PFP6 method has since been enriched to cover all the planning and management functions of the industrial supply chain:
- Managing products delivered from stock or on demand,
- Managing and controlling the seasonality of demand by keeping leaner stock,
- Managing exceptional needs,
- Managing and controlling closures by automatic anticipation of stock,
- Method of controlling and updating the ADC,
- Method of controlling and updating the parameters,
- Medium or long term load, production and supply plan, etc.
Take a look at our software for implementing the PFP6 method.