Test the AD6-KanbanEdit software for free:
The Kanban method originated in Japanese industry and means “information label”. It is a visual technique of downstream production and supply management (pull flow). Initially established in the automotive sector, it meets the requirements of all industrial supply chains.
Test AD6-KanbanEdit for free and successfully apply the Kanban method
• Quickly implement Kanban in the entire company (production, subcontracting, supplies),
• Establish the Kanban method and adapt it to changes in the company,
• Standardise and automate label printing,
• Measure the impact of different parameters on your stock levels
With AD6-KbE, you can improve your logistics performance using the Kanban method
• Stock reduction between 25% and 50%,
• Internal and external service rate close to 100%,
• Productivity gains between 5% and 10%.
Share real-time quality communication with all players in the industrial flows
• Delegate the daily reality of production to operators,
• Provide time and guidance to the management for forecasting and investing.
AD6-KbE offers you a user-friendly, powerful and comprehensive tool
• Dashboard customised for each manager,
• Customised lists (filters, sorting, columns),
• ADC import,
• Creating and updating data by importing it,
• Exporting software data,
• Reporting (stocks, management, Kanban fulfilment),
• Creating your own Kanban label templates (font, barcodes, shapes),
• Printing out Kanban labels, etc.
Using AD6-KbE, you can easily manage the Kanban supply, manufacturing and tracking sheet
• ADC (Average Daily Consumption),
• MS (Minimum Stock), EOQ (Economic Order Quantity),
• EOQ calculated according to the Kanban value,
• Total number of Kanban labels needed,
• Minimum, maximum and average stock expressed in quantity, days and value, trigger thresholds, etc.